Top Heavy

This is one of my favorite pictures that I can relate to, but accurately puts a picture to what many of my clients are like. Lots and lots of thinking, over-thinking and mental stuckness.

And many times experiencing the heaviness of anxieties that come from mental spinning and overthinking. Accustomed to being able to solve their own problems and think in a straight line, they often benefit from expanding perspective, trying new things or gaining new information about themselves.

Often, these clients are “top heavy” by personality and also by trade - quick on their feet, think a lot, read a lot, etc. And their professions (can) reflect this, too - doctors, attorneys, entrepreneurs, business and finance types. You know who you are.

What I hear in feedback":

One of the hardest parts of growth for Top Heavy people is connecting the head and the heart. This means spending some time on emotional literacy (knowing what you feel) and developing emotional fitness (skills in using social literacy).

It seems this is uniquely challenging because emotions and feelings are quite messy, and they can’t actually be thought or organized.

Clients describe experiencing a sense of relief in not having to completely let go of their preferred place of thinking through things, and gaining tools and skills to be more balanced in both thinking and feeling.


Women’s Issues


Mental Health Professionals